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General FAQS

Why did the NuStevia name change?

NuNaturals has decided to discontinue the use of our branded term “NuStevia.” Our product’s ingredients, formula, and taste profiles have not changed in any way to coincide with this change in branding. Our team made this decision to simplify product descriptions and packaging art. We still use the same great stevia extract that you know and love, now with a more straightforward name.

Is the packaging different? Has the product changed?

While our packaging has changed, nothing about the product has changed. We are using the exact same ingredients, formulation, and manufacturing process. Only the outside packaging has changed.

I bought a NuNaturals product and the bottle is not full

Our powders are packed by weight listed on the label, not volume in the bottle. We use the same spice jar bottle with a shaker cap for several different products. These products vary in weight and volume. So, while some products will fill this bottle, others (like our concentrated extracts) do not. While it may look like less in the bottle than there should be, we assure you that the weight listed on the bottle is the amount inside and corresponds to the correct number of servings in a bottle.

I got an empty packet or under filled packet

Our boxes are packed by weight to account for any empty or under filled packets that might get packed along with the good ones. So there may be extra packets in any box that will be empty or under filled. There are millions of packets coming off the packaging machines. The packing line has blowers that try to blow the empties off the conveyor belt, but inevitably empties do get packaged. There is another consideration if ALL the packets seem under filled. Please read this article to make sure you are buying the right product.

Why is there less in each packet?

The product you purchased is a different product than the one you may have purchased before. The product you formerly had purchased was the White Stevia Powder and contains Maltodextrin. These packets contain 1 gram of material and they have more volume so they fill the packet. They are also powdery versus crystalline. 

Do our plastic bottles contain BPA?

None of our plastic bottles contain BPA.

Stevia Product FAQS

How is Stevia extracted?

NuNaturals has searched the globe and uses only the best tasting and highest purity extracts available. The process starts with stevia leaves, which are initially extracted using water. The liquid is then separated from the fibrous plant matter using food grade alcohol and/or natural enzymes (depending on the extract). It is then filtered with natural resins to remove the bitter parts of the extract. Finally, it is spray dried. All of our stevia extracts are Non-GMO Project Verified and in some products USDA Certified Organic.

How can I convert your products for recipes?

You can convert any recipe using any of our products by using our stevia comparison conversion chart.

How do I measure a Organic Pure Extract serving size?

Stevia extract is a highly concentrated natural sweetener.

All of our pure extract products have a 1/64-1/32 tsp serving size. Some customers buy small 1/64 or 1/32 teaspoons (sometimes labeled as "drop" or "smidgen").

Most customers experiment through trial and error and find what works best for them (the tip of knife or spoon). We do offer stevia products with flowing agents (stevia powder blends) or liquid products to make measuring easier. We offer many different types of stevia products to customers that they may be able to make the choice that suits them best.

Why does my Simple Syrup have crystals in it?

Sediment is natural in this product (we do indicate this on the label). The crystals are the stevia extract coming out of solution and they will not effect the taste or quality of the syrup.

Why are the Cocoa and Cocoa Mint syrups thicker than the other flavors?

Our Cocoa syrups only contain four ingredients, one being cocoa which absorbs the liquid from the syrup. We do not add any chemicals to prevent this, so it needs to be shaken vigorously before each use. You can also store it upside down or warm as necessary to loosen the suspension.

Monk Fruit FAQS

How is Lo Han Guo Extracted? (Monk Fruit)

The process starts with fresh Luo Han Guo fruit. It is washed, crushed, and extracted with water 3 times. Macro porous resins and food grade alcohol are then used throughout the process. Finally it is spray dried and checked for quality.

Maltodextrin FAQS

White Stevia Powder Blend Information about Maltodextrin

Answers to questions about what Maltodextrin is, what Maltodextrin is not, and why NuNaturals uses Maltodextrin as an ingredient in our White Stevia Powder Blend

Is Maltodextrin a sugar?

Maltodextrin is a simple carbohydrate, it is not a sugar.

What is Maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is a flavorless powdered carbohydrate. It is 99.96% carbohydrate and .04% sugar.

How much sugar is .04%?

The .04% sugar in maltodextrin is equivalent to 32 milligrams (mg).

How many milligrams(mg) of sugar are in 2 teaspoons table sugar (sucrose)?

There are 8,000mg of sugar in 2 tsp. of table sugar (sucrose). This is 250 times the amount of sugar in 1 serving of our White Stevia Powder Blend.

Where does Maltodextrin come from?

The maltodextrin NuNaturals uses in White Stevia Powder Blend is made from IP-Certified Non-GMO corn.

Why does NuNaturals use Maltodextrin in its White Stevia Powder Blend?

Maltodextrin is tasteless and therefore perfect as a flowing agent in our White Stevia Powder Blend. Maltodextrin dissolves quickly in hot or cold liquids. Maltodextrin does not harden in packets and bottles. Maltodextrin will not cause digestive problems.

Why does NuNaturals need a flowing agent in the White Stevia Powder Blend?

NuNaturals Stevia Extract is so extremely concentrated that 1/32 tsp. is equal to 1 serving in a packet. We add Maltodextrin to help the Stevia flow smoothly out of the packet. Maltodextrin also allows the Stevia to be more easily measured.

Is Maltodextrin safe for diabetics even though it is high on the Glycemic Index of food?

The American Diabetes Association (ADA), in its recently released nutritional guidelines, concludes that the Glycemic Index is not an appropriate guide for people with diabetes. ADA's experts scrutinized existing research studies on the effects of high GI diets versus low GI diets in people with type-2 diabetes. They found that a high GI diet had no adverse effect on measures of blood glucose or cholesterol. They also found that a low GI diet provided no convincing evidence of long-term benefit. These findings led to the ADA's conclusion that the total amount of carbohydrates eaten, rather than the type, determines the blood sugar response. In your meal planning and eating habits, it is OK to include a variety of carbohydrates so long as they are part of a balanced and varied meal. The important thing is to count all carbohydrates in your daily allotment.

The actual glycemic index for Maltodextrin (110) is high. Dr. Allen, who heads the Glycemic Index Institute (the group who first developed the glycemic index) has told us that amount of Maltodextrin in a serving of NuNaturals White Stevia Powder Blend (less than a gram) will not affect blood sugar levels significantly. The glycemic load of 1 stevia packet is 0.9. You would need a serving size of about 15-20 grams (15-20 packets) to have a significant impact on blood sugar levels. Eating something with protein or fat further reduces the effect of Maltodextrin on blood sugar.

Unless you are using 15-20 packets of our White Stevia Powder Blend as one serving, it should not adversely affect your blood sugar levels. This would be the equivalent taste of a 1/3 cup of sugar at once!

How many calories and carbohydrates are there in multiple servings?

In one serving (1/4 teaspoon) of our Concentrated syrups, nutritional values are not significant. Calories are below 5 and all nutritional values are below 1g.

1/4 Teaspoon (1 serving)

3.2 Calories

.07g Carbohydrates (glycerin/sugar alcohol)

0.001g Fat.

One teaspoon (4 servings)

12.7 Calories

2.8g Carbohydrates (glycerin/sugar alcohol)

.0004g Fat

One tablespoon (12 servings)

38 Calories

8.4g Carbohydrates (glycerin/sugar alcohol)

.0012g Fat (less than 1 calorie from fat)

Oat Fiber FAQS

How does Oat Fiber have zero calories?

The carbohydrates in our Oat Fiber are almost entirely insoluble fiber. This type of fiber is not digested by the body and thus has no net calories. The actual calories per serving (3g) is 0.72 calories. This equates to 24 calories per 100 grams. As with all foods, use Oat Fiber as part of a well-balanced diet.

Is Oat Fiber gluten free?

Oat fiber, as an ingredient, does not contain gluten. Cross contamination is possible in the fields (generally, oats are grown close to wheat). NuNaturals Oat Fiber is produced in a facility where products containing gluten are present, although measures are in place to prevent cross contamination during manufacturing. Ultimately, we do not test for gluten and thus do not label the product as gluten free.

Other Product FAQS

How is Erythritol made?

Erythritol is produced from starch. Starch is turned into glucose through an enzymatic hydrolysis process. The glucose then undergoes yeast fermentation, which results in Erythritol. NuNaturals uses IP-Certified Non-GMO corn as our source of starch.

What is the Gelatin Bloom Strength?

Our gelatin bloom strength is 250.

What temperatures are NuNaturals Collagen and Gelatin exposed to?

Both products pass through the Sterilization process, which is part of the HACCP program and indispensable for the food safety, where temperature is 139ºC (282ºF) for 4 seconds.

What "type" are the Collagen Peptides?

Our Collagen Peptides are Type 1 and 3.