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Sugar-Free Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry sauce is the perfect blend of tart and sweet to complement your holiday meal, but most of the time that sweetness comes in the form of sugar. Our friend Kristine, the blogger behind Busy But Healthy, created this sugar-free version that will help you cut the hidden sugar over the holidays.

Recipe from Kristine Fretwell, an an e-book author of, "25 Quick, Easy, Low Sugar & Family Friendly Protein Bars, Cookies & Muffins", health and fitness columnist, contributor to,, Oxygen Magazine and Huffington Post. Kristine is also an partner and hosted the Busy But Healthy Show which was a series of recipes, fitness tips and Q&A videos.

Kristine has worked in the natural health industry for over 15 years and is a Certified Natural Products Advisor (registered with the Canadian Health Food Association), and a BCRPA Certified Weight Trainer.


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